2012년 5월 5일 토요일

reckoning dictionary - 1 -

Now, the first reckoning shape I suggest.

This is the first stuff, so I show you the whole thing. But, the next time I want you to participate in making this dictionary together.

Your joining, my bloging will go on.

Black : 7 / White : 7
I will show some time the reason why.

This is that reason.

White + 1 / Black - 2


White + 3 / Black - 2 (the places of black move 4 and 6)
So, White + 4 and Black - 4, total 8

Black + 2

Case 1, White have a half right.

Case 2, Black have a half right too. Black + 5 more.


White - 7
So, Black + 5 / White - 7, total 12
But they have a half right of here, so 12 / 2 = 6

Then, Black + 2 + 6 = + 8

Each side makes the same earning, so it is reasonable.

For example,

The place of "a" - value is 2 we know.
However, Black makes zero earning at first sight, White makes two earning at first glance.
So, supposed that there is "one" white territory, Black makes one earining really ( White - 1 ),
White makes one earning really ( White + 1 ).
The same earning each, it is reasonable.

As you see, the value of this shape is 16. ( +8 + 8 )

At this reason, we can reckon it too, like this below.

Calculate each of you.

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